Records of the Office of the Chief Signal Officer. 1860 - 1985. Motion Picture Films from the Army Library Copy Collection. 1964 - 1980. JAPANESE PEACE TREATY CONFERENCE, SAN FRANCISCO, CALIFORNIA


Records of the Office of the Chief Signal Officer. 1860 - 1985. Motion Picture Films from the Army Library Copy Collection. 1964 - 1980. JAPANESE PEACE TREATY CONFERENCE, SAN FRANCISCO, CALIFORNIA


Int of suite in the Clift Hotel. Turkish Amb, Ferdun C. Erkin (with glasses) and his adviser, Nuzhet Baba. L, MLSs, Fairmont Hotel where Pres Truman stayed during conference. MS, American and Presidential flag at main entrance to hotel. Int, VSs of the Pakistan delegates. L/R: J.A. Rahim, K.F. Khalil, Chadri Mohammed Zafrulla Khan, and Abhai Shahi. Int, St Francis Hotel. The Vietnam delegates in their suite. L/R: Buu Kinh, Nguyen Duy Thanh, Tran Van Huu, and Nguyen Trung Vinh. VSs, Mr and Mrs Tran Van Huu and their son in hotel suite. Int, of the Opera House. Andrei Gromyko walks by. John F. Dulles speaks from lectern. Gromyko walks out of conference with two of his staff. CU of newspaper with headlines: "Gromyko Death Plot Bared". Japanese Premier Yoshida speaks from lectern. V Exts in Japanese Tea Garden in San Francisco, including shot of tropical fish in pool. VSs of the M.H. de Young Memorial Museum.

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